GVSU俱乐部体育在校内和大学体育之间架起了桥梁.  俱乐部体育为学生提供了一个团队的环境,谁正在寻找一个更有竞争力和激烈的经验与时间的平衡承诺.  我们有超过38个俱乐部提供女子,男子和男女混合运动队的机会.  俱乐部运动队是由学生组织的, 为学生, 在全球之声行政人员和俱乐部指定教练的帮助下.

参加俱乐部运动是继续从事你喜欢的运动和在GVSU建立社区的最好方式.  成为一名俱乐部运动运动员提供了结识新朋友的机会, 寻找一个支持系统, 参加那些能培养职业技能和简历的职位.  快来加入GVSU俱乐部体育全国最好的项目之一!! 锚定了!





新闻 & 博客


大学俱乐部游泳全国比赛汇集了来自美国的1622名运动员 118 俱乐部s, including Grand Valley's Club team, who showcased their skills and camaraderie amidst fierce competition over three days.


的 Laker Dance Team Becomes 15X National Champions

舞台设置在佛罗里达州奥兰多市,舞者们聚集在橙色广场 County Convention Center for 的 College Classic. 其中,湖人队 舞队摆好姿势,在表演中展示他们的技巧和激情 胜利与团结.



格兰谷州立大学的俱乐部体操队让观众眼花缭乱 and judges alike at the recent national championships, where their 出色的表演为他们赢得了赞誉和认可 团队和个人层面.


Laker Dance and Cheer teams claim national championships

"Grand Valleys Laker Dance and Cheer teams returned from the 全国大学生精英赛拥有一批新的全国选手 头衔和荣誉."



Men's Club Volleyball Wins GLMVC Conference Championship

的 weekend of March 16th-17th was a very successful one for GVSU男子俱乐部排球队. 团队前往达文波特 五大湖大学男子排球第二轮 会议上比赛. Sitting in first place without dropping a 最后一局,这个队输给了鲍灵格林队 星期六晚上. 的 Lakers started bracket play Sunday with two large margin wins against Ferris State and Western 密歇根. 的 championship was set for a re垫ch against Bowling Green. 后 湖人以25-23赢得第一局,但落后8分 开始第二组. 后 battling back, they dropped the second set 25-21 forcing another three 垫ch game. 一场来回的战斗 found the Lakers tied 10-10 in a first to 15 race. 发球跑 格雷格·詹姆斯以14比11领先. 杰克发了一个漂亮的发球 Norkiewicz finished off with a block from Paden Rousseau gave the 湖人男子俱乐部排球队获得他们的第一个分区冠军 自2017年以来. 

的 Laker Men’s Volleyball team had multiple award 所有会议荣誉的获得者. 全联盟第一阵容 包括初级二传手雅各布·菲安达洛,高级中卫帕登 Rousseau and freshman middle blocker Michael Uldrych. 两个研究生 学生Greg james和Sam Szarowicz获得了第二队的成绩 击球员. AJ Zanders, Easton Upton, and Mack Tyrell earned honorable 提到奖. 

Special shoutout to all the parents who bring food, drinks, and endless support to our team as well as our friends. 的成功 没有他们,没有我们的教练,没有俱乐部运动,这个项目是不可能实现的. 

We look forward to trying to repeat next year!



代表格兰谷州立大学的摔跤手们展示了一个 impressive blend of determination and skill during the 2024 NCWA National Championships held at the Brookshire Grocery Arena in Shreveport, Louisiana, from March 14 to March 16, 2024. 尽管 遇到来自著名大学摔跤的强大对手 programs nationwide, the GVSUWC athletes exhibited un垫ched 坚韧和勇猛. 的ir performance highlighted their profound 对体育和大学的热爱,体现在他们的坚定 determination and unyielding quest for achievement. 当他们航行时 through demanding 匹配, each member of the GVSU Wrestling Club 经过大量的训练和准备, 他们的杰出表现获得了认可和尊重 这个受人尊敬的国家平台.

In a gripping 垫ch against Alexandria Green from Texas State University, 116-pound wrestler Isobel Wharff displayed her skills, engaging in a fierce battle until the 3:41 mark, ending with Green 确保胜利. 然而,沃夫的决心没有改变 unwavering as she prepared for her next challenge against Angelina 沃克来自渥太华-亚利桑那州. 尽管付出了勇敢的努力,沃夫还是面临着 quick defeat, with Walker claiming victory in just 17 seconds.

"In moments like these, we witness the essence of our team's 精神:出场,做好准备,明白每场比赛都是从 0比0,”主教练莱恩·兰开斯特说. ”伊泽贝尔例证 这种精神体现在她最近的遭遇中. 针对格林,她进行了一场 gripping battle, showcasing her skills until the final buzzer. 每一个 比赛提供了一个获得加分的机会,而不仅仅是在比赛中 记分牌,但在性格和勇气."
在125磅 GVSUWC的扎克·柯尼格表现出了非凡的能力, navigating a series of challenging 垫chups with remarkable skill. 柯尼格以一场技术性的压倒性胜利开始了他的竞选 超过了罗格斯大学的加布里埃尔·马塔莫罗斯,其次是另一个令人印象深刻的 triumph against Brennan Garate-Flores of Pacific Lutheran. 继续 凭借他的连胜纪录,科尼格在对路易斯的比赛中取得了重大胜利 格雷斯港的巴拉哈斯,展示了他的战术能力 垫. In a closely contested about against Joseph Jimenez of Sacramento 状态下,科尼格表现出了自己的韧性和决心,势不可当 一场艰难的决定性胜利,在锦标赛中进一步晋级. 尽管面对着强大的对手来自俄亥俄州立大学的多米尼克·乔利, Koenig displayed unwavering determination and fought bravely, ulti垫ely falling short but leaving an indelible mark with his 骄人的成绩.

教练兰开斯特 said, "Zack's journey through a series of challenging 垫chups showcased his remarkable skill and unwavering 对我们团队理念的承诺. 每一次胜利,是否靠 technical fall or a hard-fought decision, underscored Koenig's tactical proficiency on the 垫 and his resilience in the face of 逆境."
的 GVSUWC's Maria Potrero also left her mark on 在比赛中,激烈的比赛展示了她的才能 和韧性. Potrero faced off against formidable opponents such as 格雷斯港的玛琳西亚·门多萨和克莱姆森的卡莉·曼宁. 尽管经历了胜利和失败,波特雷罗展示了 resilience and a fighting spirit that echoed throughout the 比赛. One of the standout moments for Potrero was her 垫ch 对阵曼宁,她在垫子上占据了优势,以5分的成绩取得了胜利 分26秒. 

"Win or lose, she exemplified our core values, demonstrating resilience and a relentless fighting spirit. 她决定性的胜利 Manning was a defining moment for her and our entire team," said 教练兰开斯特.

Jack Sherman, representing GVSUWC in the 157-pound weight class, also performed remarkably throughout the 比赛. 谢尔曼踢 在技术上大胜多米尼克,结束了他的竞选 Acosta of Central Florida, setting the tone for his subsequent 匹配. He continued his winning streak with a dominant major 战胜詹姆斯·麦迪逊的布雷迪·博兰德,展示了他的 technical proficiency and strategic prowess on the 垫. 尽管面临 a setback against Keaton Fischer of 西切斯特 in a closely 在激烈的竞争中,谢尔曼以一记有力的扣球获胜 在里昂的克莱皇后身上,展现了他的坚韧和决心. He followed it up with another impressive pinfall victory against Anthony Colavito of Montclair State, further solidifying his 作为强大竞争者的声誉. 尽管面对一个强大的对手 在华盛顿州的米切尔·海尔格特,谢尔曼英勇作战,但是 最终未能成功,以值得称赞的表现结束了他的竞选.

"From his commanding technical fall victory over Acosta to 谢尔曼展示了他对博兰德的决定性胜利 skill and a strategic finesse that set him apart. 即使面对 挫折,比如他与费舍尔、谢尔曼的激烈竞争 表现出韧性,以有力的扣球胜利反弹 兰开斯特说.

的 final standings at the Nationals reflected the culmination of months of arduous training and unwavering dedication. 西切斯特 以微弱优势获胜,紧随其后的是俄亥俄州立大学WC和 克莱姆森. However, the GVSUWC's remarkable journey captivated the 摔跤爱好者注意事项. 总分15分.5点, the GVSUWC claimed a notable 16th position. 而团队没有 clinch the top spot, its performance underscored the talent and 坚韧在其队伍中根深蒂固.

"的 GVSUWC adheres staunchly to our fundamental principles: 出席,做好准备,获得加分,并记住分数是 总是0 - 0. Jack and Zack's commendable 4-2 record at Nationals exemplifies our commitment to these principles. 虽然不是在上面 排行榜,最后的排名反映了几个月的高潮 relentless training and unwavering dedication. 而西切斯特 ulti垫ely seized victory with a narrow lead, our 16th position 这凸显了我们球队不可否认的实力和韧性,”兰卡斯特说.

的 GVSUWC demonstrated impressive perseverance and resolve at 2024年全国锦标赛. 他们出色的表现 underscored the result of extensive preparation, unwavering commitment, and a relentless pursuit of greatness. 每个摔跤手 他们尽了最大的努力,体现了团队的体育精神 and unity, garnering respect from spectators and opponents. 随着 活动结束后,GVSUWC成为了主导力量,说明 大学生摔跤运动的韧性与热情特征.

